Welcome to Hungry Ghost.

They’re worth a thousand words, as the saying goes, but to me, great photos can make you dream.

A memorable photo has more to it than meets the eye; a special something that goes beyond the smiles and the just-so poses, the pretty scenery and lovely, styled sartorial choices. When those things fall away, and your subject is laid bare, that’s where things get really interesting to me as a photographer. The emotional, the spiritual, the intangible. Those are the quiet corners of a moment that I try to capture in my work, to dust off and to show off; to freeze in time.

A great photo has a power to it, a kind of magic. When it comes to what I try to accomplish in my work - that’s exactly it. I want the magic. Working as a lifestyle, food and portrait photographer is something that I love down to my bones. I can’t not do it - can’t not pick up my camera and try to catch a story as best I can before it’s gone.

I want to capture all the little moments and breathe new energy into them, preserving them with my camera … giving them new life, so they don’t disappear into thin air, like ghosts do.